Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Critical Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Book Review - Essay Example Review. Ms. West presents this book using dialogue and from the very beginning she writes as if speaking to the reader. Her first sentence sets the stage for an argument that would not come from the perspective of an author of another race. Her idea that western society has been socialized to believe individual thinkers perspective on social problems is a unique take on a long standing problem in society. Throughout the book she identifies social problems, examines the statistical points of view. "However large the number of individual white men who do and who will identify themselves completely with the negro cause, the white race in America will not admit the negro to equal rights if it is not forced to do so." The point that is made here is that despite the improvements over the years in the treatment of African Americans by society that same society will not admit African Americans as equals unless forced to do so. West explains how there remains a strong separation between the races that needs to be overcome. West points out on page three that those who are considered "great thinkers" in western European dominated society tend to be white, male, and Christian. This puts the African American at a distinct disadvantage. Sexual abuse is another topic that West writes about. ... The place of Christianity among religions is also explored in this book. West points out that Christians believe that Christianity is superior to other religions and that Christians have used coercion and subjugation to convert others to Christianity. According to West Christians consider Christianity as a universal religion for all people. In West's focus on the African American women she touches upon facts that should be considered seriously by both the African American community and American society as a whole. She points out in her chapter on the Bible and Welfare reform that there is a disparity in the treatment of poor black women who choose to stay home and raise their children and other women in American society who stay home with their children. In white, non-welfare recipient families, a woman who chooses to stay home and raise her children is considered a virtuous woman. Race and poverty are the only differences between both groups of women. In this case black women who choose to stay home and raise their children are not considered virtuous women. West uses the Mary story in the book of Matthew to help explain who is a virtuous woman. On page 83 of this book West tells the story of Newt Gingrich's bill that went before congress. This bill uses statistics to define the black community's problem. Part of the bill was called: Reducing Illegitimacy (Contract With America). West quotes this bill on page 83: "The likelihood that a young black man will engage in criminal activities doubles if he is raised without a father and triples if he lives in a neighborhood with a high concentration of single parent families." West points out that Gingrich uses statistics to put the blame for violent

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Performance Management - Assessment item 1 (Essay) Essay

Performance Management - Assessment item 1 ( ) - Essay Example Performance appraisals are used to determine the quality of performance of each employee in his job. An idea as to those who have talent or need training and those who may be promoted, demoted, retained, or fired will be obtained. The transitional differences in organizations over the recent years have influenced the performance appraisal systems too to accommodate larger business opportunities and priority in the aims (Sonnentag, 2002, p. 115). Sonnentag has described performance appraisal as a â€Å"generic term covering a variety of processes whereby an individual’s work performance is assessed, usually by that person’s line manager and discussed with a view to solving problems, improving performance and developing the individual appraised† (2002, p.116). He has detailed three perspectives contributing to employee performance: the individual, situational and performance regulation. The behavior, motivational personality and the interpersonal relationships of the employees play a role in the success of the appraisal systems. The appraisal would materialize based on the organizational politics and conflict avoidance of the appraiser, the appraisee’s behavior and the relationship between the two parties. The appraisee’s differences in behavior change his views on the â€Å"need for achievement, goal orientation, self awareness and self efficacy, self esteem, locus of control and feedback attitudes† (Sonnentag, 2002, p. 115). His performance level would depend much on his personality and mental make-up, the situational aspect where events may facilitate or obstruct his functional performance and the organizational performance regulations of goal setting (Sonnentag, 2002, p. 8). â€Å"declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skills and lastly motivation† (1990). Campbell’s model was considered proficient. The